What We Are Reading

Business Books

Lead With Purpose

Lead With Purpose

Lead With Purpose
John Baldoni
AMACOM, 2011

From the Book: Ask any leader: What would you give to have an entire company full of committed employees willing to go the extra mile? For all your people to work together as a unified force, knowing exactly what they do, and why they do it? Featuring illuminating stories, interviews, and profiles of leaders from a variety of fields, Lead with Purpose shows readers how to take their organizations to the next level with renewed focus and improved direction.

Self Confidence

Self Confidence

Self-Confidence: The Remarkable Truth of Why a Small Change Can Make a Big Difference
Paul McGee
Capstone, 2010

From the Book: Have you ever wondered how different your life would be if you increased your confidence by just 10%? Paul McGee has. And in his latest book, he explains what confidence is, where it comes from, why it’s important, and how to develop it in yourself and others. Not only does the book deal with confidence in business, romance, social situations, and all areas of life, it explodes common myths, including why ‘over-confidence’ and ‘under-confidence’ are both harmful. Loaded with practical tips on bouncing back from a setback and feeling confident in challenging situations, this inspiring, upbeat book will help fill you with life’s X factor.

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