Never Forget the ‘Why’

As I’ve trained and coached new managers over the years, one area I try to focus some attention on is connecting the “manager” to the “individual.” So often we are forced to wear the “manager” hat at work. The “manager” cares about what gets done. The “manager” is interested in the assignment of tasks, the completion of projects, and the quantifying of results.

But what about the “individual?” We as “individuals” care about the why. The “individual” wants to find the connection between who I am as a person and who I am as a manager. The “individual” asks questions like, “Why did I become a manager?” “Why should others follow me?” “Why do I do what I do?” “Why am I putting in so much effort?”

Unfortunately, for most of us, we are controlled by the what – assignments, tasks, deadlines, projects, budgets…My charge to you is to step back and ask why. A great resource to connect to the why is reading Bury My Heart at Conference Room B which provides a depth of information about why employees engage with their work. After reading the book, consider completing a values assessment which will give you insight into your personal why.

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