Oldies, But Goodies

Regularly we post What We Are Reading and share that with our clients and colleagues (our most recent one was posted on 12-13-11). It occurred to us that while we constantly strive to have the latest and greatest leadership and business books and periodicals on our bookshelves (or our electronic readers), some of the books we refer to regularly are several years old; and, they have stood the test of time. Their concepts and principles are solid; their theories and practices transcend industries, economic conditions, and decades. While a few things may have changed, a few companies may have come and gone, the core principles have remained.

So, we put together a short list. We jotted down a couple by Peter Block and realized anything by Peter Block would probably make my list. Here are two that we still bring out from time to time:

1. Stewardship, Choosing Service Over Self-Interest, Peter Block, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1996.
2. Flawless Consulting, A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used (great for internal and external consultants!), Peter Block, University Associates, Inc., 1978.

Then there is a three decade old book by Greenleaf:

3. Servant Leadership, Robert K. Greenleaf, Paulist Press, 1977.

Finally, in this decade, Collins’ work comes to mind:

4. Good to Great, Jim Collins, Harper Business, 2001.

How about your “oldies but goodies list?” What books stand the test of time? Who do you still read and think is a classic? (Perhaps C.K. Prahalad for strategy…Bob Mager for training?) Let us know what you think. We would love to compile a list of favorite “oldies but goodies” to share with you.

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