10-10-10 Decision Making

Are you looking for a quick and simple tool to help you in decision-making?  A tool that can help when you are ‘stuck’ and can’t seem to determine the appropriate next step?  The tool I’ve been recommending of late is from Suzy Welch’s book, 10-10-10: A Life Transforming Idea.

The exercise goes like this:

Think (journal) about a decision you are facing.  Answer the 10-10-10 question:

1.  What will the consequences of my decision be in 10 minutes (the first 10 basically stands for “right now” – as in, one minute, one hour, or one week)?

2.  What will the consequences of my decision be in 10 months (the second 10 represents that point in the foreseeable future when the initial reaction to your decision has passed, but its consequences continue to play out in ways you can reasonably predict)?

3.  What will the consequences of my decision be in 10 years (the third 10 stands for a time in a future that is so far off that its particulars are entirely vague)?

I have found the 10-10-10 assignment to be helpful in my own decision-making and I have used this as a tool when coaching leaders.  Try it out…pick up the book…let us know how the tool helps you (and if it has been a “life transforming idea”).

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