3 Tips for Increasing Team Effectiveness

As I have worked with leaders and frontline employees over the years, it is apparent that they know exactly what good teamwork is and isn’t; however, the steps to achieve good teamwork seem more elusive.

Many leaders don’t know how to build an effective team because they say that they have never been part of a really great team.  They don’t know what behaviors and actions should be created and replicated.  While there are many factors that contribute to team effectiveness, if a leader pays attention to three key areas, s/he will set the foundation for great teamwork:

1.    Task Needs
Task needs relate to why the team exists and what it needs to accomplish.  Why is this team together?  What is the team’s purpose?  Set or clarify goals and objectives; set timelines and deadlines for tasks; determine resource needs; and, create ways to measure results.

2.    Team Needs
Team needs relate to how the team works together.  If a team fails to focus attention in this area, an environment of mistrust, chaos, infighting, and/or lack of engagement can occur.  Create team ground rules; strive for transparency; develop clearly defined problem solving and decision-making processes; clarify roles and responsibilities; build and sustain group esprit; and, determine how conflict will be resolved.

3.    Individual Needs
Individual needs relate to the players on the team (the who).  While it is a common cliché to say that “there is no ‘I’ in team,” that fails to take into the account the individual needs of each team player.  Clarify roles and responsibilities and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute their personal best.  Recognize the strengths that each team member brings to the table.

While this list is not all-inclusive, it is a starting point for team leaders to focus on how to create a really great team.

Related Articles: Team Development

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