Curves In The Path

During my interactions with our clients, I often have the opportunity to ask individuals about their career paths. I enjoy hearing how successful people get to where they are today. Very rarely are the paths leaders take to a straight line to the top. Often there is an event or person, or multiple events and multiple people that throw a curve in the path. It’s often these curves that provide the most insight and direction for the leaders.

Think about your own path. When you were a young adult, what was your plan for your career? Who were the people and what were the events that provided curves in the path? What did you learn from the curves?

Now extrapolate that out to your organization. Think about your organization’s strategic goals, initiatives, plans, and direction. This is the straight line path to success. But in a world that demands flexibility, creativity and adaptation, be sure to look for the curves. Those events, people, or lessons learned may provide insight and direction for a new path.

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