Talent Review Follow-Up

Talent Review—Next Steps—High Potential

For each High Potential, answer the following:

  • Are we doing everything we can to keep this person engaged, satisfied and delighted?
  • Are we exposing this High Potential to challenging tasks, key projects and/or strategic initiatives?
  • Are we giving this High Potential visibility to Executives, key customers and/or other important stakeholders in the market or industry?
  • Are we solving any issues that might be pushing this individual out the door?
  • Would a coach or mentor (internal or external—other than his/her immediate supervisor) help this individual develop and/or resolve problems that might cause him/her to leave the company?
  • Does he/she receive candid feedback about strengths and development needs?
  • Are we paying this individual according to the value they create (i.e., is pay differentiated)?
  • Are we accelerating this High Potential’s development to maximize their ability to contribute and to help retain them?

What specific next steps can you take to further develop this High Potential?

Steps Timeline

Talent Review—Next Steps—Potential Talent

For each Potential Talent, answer the following:

  • Are we investing in this Potential Talent so we can increase his/her capabilities, keep him/her energized and retain him/her in the long run?
  • Are we striving to improve his/her productivity and overall results?
  • Are we striving to improve his/her overall job satisfaction?
  • Is a plan in place to move this Potential Talent to a High Potential?
  • Does he/she receive candid feedback about strengths and development needs?
  • Does he/she receive even great responsibilities so s/he can showcase skills and talents and demonstrate leadership potential?
  • Is this Potential Talent exposed to enough other leaders and Executives so they can showcase and demonstrate their talents?
  • If this Potential Talent has performed to mixed reviews in the past, have we clarified roles, responsibilities, goals, expectations, etc. so s/he can succeed in the future?
  • Do we demonstrate confidence in this individual’s skills and talent?

What specific next steps can you take to further develop this Potential Talent and move him/her to a High Potential?

Steps Timeline

Talent Review—Next Steps—Steady Contributor

For each Steady Contributor, answer the following:

  • Are we doing what we need to do to keep this person satisfied, energized and motivated so we can retain him/her in the long run?
  • Are we striving to improve his/her productivity and overall results?
  • Are we striving to improve his/her overall job satisfaction?
  • Do we let this Steady Contributor know that we value their role/contribution to the organization?
  • Does s/he receive candid feedback about strengths and development needs?
  • Does s/he continue to be challenged so the job doesn’t get boring and complacency doesn’t set in?
  • Do we challenge this Steady Contributor to (informally) coach, train or serve in a lead position which may stretch his/her talents or even comfort zone?
  • Do we demonstrate confidence in this individual’s skills and talent?

What specific next steps can you take to further develop this Steady Contributor and keep him/her as a steady contributor in the organization?

Steps Timeline

Talent Review—Next Steps—Marginal Contributor

For each Marginal Contributor, answer the following:

  • Are we clear why this individual is a Marginal Contributor?
  • Have we determined if a skill or behavioral problem exists?
  • Has this person ever been a High Potential, Potential Talent, or Steady Contributor in the past?
  • Does he/she receive candid feedback about strengths and development needs?
  • Does he/she receive candid feedback about performance results (or lack of)?
  • Have we determined whether the individual is skilled or not a good fit for the position or the organization?
  • Have expectations and goals been clearly outlined?
  • Has this Marginal Contributor been given adequate support (training, resources, etc.) to succeed?
  • Do we have a specific plan in place (including next steps and timeframes) to make changes regarding this Marginal Contributor?

What specific next steps can you take to address the Marginal Contributor?

Steps Timeline




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