Sample Coaching Agreement

Calibra Coach
Individual’s Manager
Coaching and development plan

I enjoyed the chance to talk with you this week.  Based on our conversation, we agreed that the focus for your development plan would be as follows:

  1. Interpersonal relationships
    Your communication style and its impact on others
    Strategies for adapting your style to build trust and produce better results with people
    Techniques to improve listening effectiveness
  2. Managing tension and conflict with others
    Methods for dealing with “internalizing” and taking others input or actions personally
    How to diffuse emotional situations
  3. Coaching and developing staff
    How to delegate effectively
    Models and strategies for coaching interactions
  4. Managing competing demands, roles and priorities
    Key elements of effective self-management
    Balancing work/personal life

As discussed, we will start the process by collecting 360 degree feedback from the people you work with and know you well.  Please provide me with the names and contact information for your boss, four or five direct reports and four or five peers.  I will talk with each of them to learn more about your strengths (and how to leverage them) and your development needs.  This will help you to focus and finalize the development plan that you have started.

Once the 360 feedback has been collected, I will meet with you to go over the results.  Then a development plan can be finalized and the real work can begin.  Based on schedules, I suggest 90-minutes meetings once a month.  Once we have agreed upon the plan, we can set the schedule for the next few months.

I plan to bring in some materials I have related to these areas and will combine some teaching with discussion and application to your situation.  I expect to ask you to do some work or reading in between meetings.  You should feel free to contact me beyond our regularly scheduled monthly meetings.  This provides you with an opportunity to prepare for a meeting, de-brief a meeting, use me as a sounding board, etc. 

As I mentioned, the primary communication to your manager about this process should come from you.   The substance of our conversations will be confidential.   

I look forward to our work together.  Please give me a call or drop me an email if you have any questions.



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